Payment & Security

Payment and Security at

This page is to help your shopping experience with us and answer some of the commonly asked questions that we get on payments. If you don't find an answer to your question then email us and we will reply promptly.

How do I pay with my credit / debit card?

Credit and Debit Card payments are taken via PayPal. PayPal use Thawte 2048 bit encryption systems. Full 128-bit encryption is used between the browser and the PayPal server. Where credit or debit card information is provided by fax, telephone or email, we will still process the payment via PayPal

You do not need to have a PayPal account to purchase. Simply navigate below the login panel and select the "Pay with Debit or Credit Card" option.

Are my details secure?

PayPal use TLS and HTTPS connections, key pinning on mobile apps and PCI compliance keep payments safer.Every transaction is monitored in real time and accounts are analysed to help prevent fraudulent activity and payments.

What appears on my credit card/bank statement?

When you purchase from, your credit card or banking statement will be debited with our parent company name 'Guy's Magnets Ltd'

What currencies can I pay in?

All prices shown on the website default to GBP pounds sterling, you may however change your currency using the currency selector provided on every page. Presently we only accept payment via GBP Sterling however PayPal will allow you to pay in the currency that your card normally uses OR in GBP Sterling. If you chose your own currency, they will automatically calculate the exchange rate at the time of payment.
